Sunday, November 13, 2005

mÙlTî©üLtÙ®ÃlÎtÿ îN ƒ®€n©h

what is this?
this is a problem that they have in France that the immigrants make delinquency because they say who be marginalized by the French society.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


The word Halloween it means Eve of All the Saints.

what are the origins of Halloween?
The origin of this celebration is Anglo-Saxon.
For who serves this celebration?
This celebration is for the rest and the peace of the deads.

The emigrants went to EEUU and becomes in a big celebration.

Halloween costumes: telling of ghost stories, mischief-making, fortunes...etc!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hå®ølÐ ÞîNt€®--

who is Harold Pinter?
Harold Pinter borned in Hackney, London and studied in the Real academy of Dramatic Art. In October of the 2005, the academy announced who Harold pinter is the winner of the Nobel prize of Literatura 2005.


What is Melilla?
Melilla is a city with 68000 people, the geographic situation of Melilla is the north of Africa , Melilla is near of Spain. Melilla is a part of spain bad also is a part of Africa.
In this moment Melilla is a new because there are people who risk their life to cross the border risking their life.
Because they dream who get a better life. A lot of people lose much.
In my opinion all the people of the world had the same life.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

§ü®vîvål în çønçëntåînå

§ü®vîvål în çønçëntåînå

This year in the survival camp We went to Concentaina, this village was near Alcoi, we went 3º and 4º of eso for three days: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The camp experience helped us to learn how we survive in the forest. We prepared the menu in little groups, in my group was chimo, dani and I... for exemple my group the first day for the dinner eaten pasta and hamburger and the second day for lunch we prepared sandwich to take to an excursion.
In my opinion this camp is a good experience... this is something to repeat!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

ÐîGîTåL îLLîTë®Ã®€

ÐîGîTåL îLLîTë®Ã®€
Digital illiterate is a person who hasn´t an idea of digital world.
Example: computer, camera, tv, movil etc...
Am I digital illiterate? Why?
No, well I am not a crack but I know a bit, because I have a computer an I use other digital sources often.

In my opinion people have litle idea of digital world

Sunday, October 02, 2005

mÿ Fî®$t Ðåÿ øF §çhØøl

mÿ Fî®$t Ðåÿ øF §çhØøl

My first day of school... the back account ... I was very nervious to see all my companions .tapeworm that to prepare it everything for the first day very well.

the first day... the previous night I could not sleep so that it was very nervious . when I arrived, was very contented so that I saw all my friends.